Newsletter 13
Our Traffic Warden would like to remind all parents and carers that the speed limit is 40km per hour when coming off the roundabout on to Breccia Parade. Mike said there have been a couple of close calls lately where vehicles have come around the corner very quickly and have had to break suddenly. Please take care before and after school so that all students and respective families can remain safe as they cross the roads.
Parents are asked to write their child’s name on all uniform items, particularly zip up jackets. Having their name on it ensures they are promptly returned to the child concerned. I also suggest students leave their hat at school to prevent them from leaving them at home. They can still take them home every few weeks for a wash.
I would like to remind all school community members that the Disabled Parking Bays are only for those vehicles that have ACROD stickers. Please, DO NOT park in these bays at any time unless your vehicle is stickered accordingly.
On Tuesday 19th September (Week 10), Wellard PS will be conducting an Open Night where parents are able to visit their child’s classroom and have a look at the work they have been doing throughout the year. Classrooms will be open between 4.00 – 6.00pm. Please note there will not be sufficient time for you to organise a meeting with your child’s teacher during Open Night. This is to be arranged for another time. We do hope that parents (particularly Dads) take up this opportunity to visit Wellard PS.
Book Week will be conducted from Monday 21st to Friday 25th August. We will be conducting our Book Week Parade at 8.50am on Thursday 24th August. Parents are welcome to attend.
Our Book Fair will be conducted from Wednesday 30th August to Monday 4th September. More information to follow.
Our next assembly will be conducted by Rm 5 (Mr Van Berkel Yr 3) and Rm 12 (Mrs Tucker Yr 3) this Friday 25th August commencing at 8.50am in the Assembly Area. Ms Baker’s Yr 2 & 3 class will present their assembly on Friday 8th September.
Payment of Voluntary Contributions is now due. Funds raised through these contributions are used to purchase resources etc. to complement the educational programs we run throughout the school. Thank you to those families who have already paid their contributions. As a school we are always conscious of the costs we seek from parents in relation to educational activities.
Kindergarten – Year 6 - $60 per child per year.
Our preferred way of payment is by using our Qkr App, please see attached PDF for details.
School contributions can also be paid at the office or
by direct deposit:
Account Name: Wellard Primary School
(Please use the student’s surname as reference)
BSB: 066 040 Account Number 19901412
Our next P&C Meeting will be conducted on Monday 4th September in the staff room commencing at 2pm. Hope to see you there.
Under the guidance of Miss Ash Alden, our school choir has been preparing itself for their performance at the Mandurah Performing Arts Centre on the evening of Friday 1st September. Parents and guardians who are interested in attending can purchase tickets through the Performing Arts Centre Box Office at $28 per ticket. These went on sale as of Monday 26th June. I would like to acknowledge and thank Miss Ash Alden for preparing our school choir for this event.
Kind regards
Geoff Miller
Arts in the Community
Some of our Year 5's currently have their artwork on display at the Kwinana Town Library. Their artwork showcases their wonderful printmaking projects completed last term at school in Visual Art lessons. Students designed and cut their own stencils to silkscreen print onto a hand painted background that compliments their chosen 'Australian Critically Endangered Animal'. It was very hard to choose the selected artworks for display but as the available space was limited, unfortunately I wasn't able to choose them all! The rest are on display in the art room at school.
Well done to all of our year 5's for doing a super job of creating an original, creative silkscreen print, that also sends a great message about protecting our native animals. What a great way to share our art in the local community! 🙂
Mrs Rochelle Protzman
Visual Arts Teacher
In Week 3, students from Year 2/3 Room 27 were very lucky to attend an incursion delivered by the Worm Shed. Students learnt about keeping worms and why worms are important to our environment. We also made our own miniature worm farm. We now have the know how and experience to take care of the worm farm that lives in the vegetable garden here at Wellard Primary School.
Ms Sophie Baker
Teacher Room 27